Jesus Did
Jesus Did
Hey Everyone! Some Big News about yours truly! As Chief Mamala of Mamala Media, I’ve been filming a pilot this November for a new talk show called CASSIE. We will be focusing on unique stories from all walks of life that will touch your heart, lift your spirit and put a genuine smile on your face…all with a belief that we are at our best when serving others. The goal is to leave you, the audience, with something good that will help propel your own life journey forward. I’m super excited and will be letting you know more about this in the near future.
With this big adventure in mind, I’ve been asking myself what it means to “be good.”
The word “good” is in the King James Version of the Bible 720 times and appears in 655 verses. The prompting to “do good deeds” is stated over and over again. The directives to “be good,” “love what is good,” “teach what is good,” or “do what is good” appear ten times even in a short three chapter book such as Titus. And, of course, the story of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is called “The Good News!”
Frankly, I’ve fallen in love with the word “good” and have come to two conclusions:
1. Understanding what Jesus did and living that out in front of your kids, family and friends is the best way you can “be good.”
Just to be clear, I’m not talking about any of us trying to alter our fallen condition through our own efforts. Only Jesus can do that. I’m talking about good, practical ways of living that Christ exampled for us.
Here are just a few:
Have Boundaries…Jesus did
Reach Out To Others…Jesus did
Eat Together…Jesus did
Tell Stories…Jesus did
Gather In Small Groups…Jesus did
Show Up In Community…Jesus did
Go To Events…Jesus did
Love Children…Jesus Did
Show Generosity…Jesus did
Serve Others…Jesus did
Persevere…Jesus did
Forgive…Jesus did
2. We need more good!
The answer here starts with you and me. God’s new commandment to us in John 13:34 & 35 is to “love one another as I love you.” In other words, put the Good News into action!
With all the bad news in the world, will you choose to live out “The Good News?” Jesus did!
“Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others.”
Titus 3:14
Sweet Dreams book and CD
Create quality time together for parents, grandparents and young children at bedtime.