Advice from a Carpenter


Imagine my surprise and delight when standing in my backyard I looked up and saw this beautiful family of hummingbirds. As an animal lover and particularly, a bird enthusiast, I was overwhelmed.

After quickly grabbing my camera and capturing this special scene, I thought about how wise the hummingbird was in the way she built her nest and the choices she made. There are many trees to choose from in our yard, most of them willowy and with light delicate foliage. This wise momma bird chose a mature carrot wood tree with a thick canopy to protect her young from predators and the elements. The branches are interlocking, running through the very nest itself making it structurally sound. The carrot wood is also the strongest tree in our yard with deep roots providing a solid foundation. With the added provision of our nearby fountain, these hummingbird babies were as secure as they could be.

This heart-warming scene reminded me that Jesus was a carpenter.  He knew what he was talking about when he instructed us to be wise and to build our house upon the rock instead of on shifting sand. 

Matthew 7:24 & 25 says “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will compare him to a wise man who built his house on solid rock. The rains descended, the flood came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”

Jesus was not talking about home improvements here. He was talking about the structural soundness of our lives. He didn’t say that the rain and the floods would not come, or that the winds would not blow. Instead, He assured us that if we have worked His words into our lives and walk in His ways, we will then be anchored to a solid foundation that will stand strong when the storm does come.

Isn’t it beautiful how creation itself gives us obvious examples of how God’s ways are for our benefit. Just like the beautiful nest woven securely into the tree, I suggest we follow the Carpenters advice, and build our lives on the solid rock.

Westerly Creative Studio